Twitter Hack! Cui bono?

The Twitter hack and all its sordid details are outlined very well in this excellent report on CoinTelegraph.

However to give this story the full life it most assuredly deserves we feel there is a missing item left to the best of our knowledge unexplored. Very simply: “Cui bono?”

Who stands to gain is a very murky question if you look at the reported timing of the breach, April 2022 where the whole Musk Twitter takeover was under multiple forms of scrutiny both in the Delaware courts and the media in general.

Are we looking at disgruntled employees looking for an extra “golden parachute?”

Could it be a disaffected Mudge coming back to validate his own warnings?

Was it an actual hack or just plain negligence?

Were soon to be former Twitter execs looking for insurance or leverage?

This needs further exploration as the funds the hacker was reportedly demanding would normally be well within the scope of bug bounties for a platform with the size and turnover of Twitter.

However we can’t help but note with a bit of glee that this may have the slimier side of crypto influencing like Logan Paul, VoskCoin and Suppoman curling their toes wondering about “if and when” simswaps, email jacking, longer term hacks or deetz now with CoffeeZilla!

However given the recent revelations in the Twitter files we can’t help but wonder if there isn’t a decent chance of it having been an alphabet soup group/agency “backing up the site.”